Journey to Denver, Ugandan Convention

Sunday, September the 4th: This was by far the best day because I got to listen to Isaiah Katumwa’s saxophone artistry. He is such a talented musician, I am so glad he is a Ugandan. It was great to meet other artists like Bobi Wine, Keko, GNL Zamba, Zani, Vanessa.

Saturday, September the 3rd:This is a traditional dance highlight from the 2011, Ugandan Denver Convention Entertainment on

The participation of the attendees made this traditional Dance memorable. Hats off to the Lady who was Dubbed the Muzungu by the MC, she stole the show with her energetic rendition of the Baganda Traditional Dance known as Amazina Amaganda.

Thanks to all who joined in the dance and made it so memorable!!
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Friday, September 2nd: I have spent the day at the Business forum listening to presenters talk about opportunities available to us Ugandans living in the Diaspora, on how we can invest back home. It has been an eye opening session. The speaker of Parliament was here, and so was the Minister for foreign affairs. Tulow Oil has featured prominently and is on a head hunting effort to hire more Ugandans to work in the Oil and Gas sector.

Thursday, September 1st: I finally made it to Denver albeit via a bumpy flight. The city is beautiful and its even prettier at night. Lights stretch for miles in all directions. Denver is really flat. I could see the mountains from my room. The view is absolutely beautiful. Thursday was Mainly reserved for early arrivals and registrations. I ran into a number of old schoolmates from my days at Budo. It was great to catch up and talk about boarding school.

Wednesday, August 31st: I will be heading to the Airport Shortly. I will be updating this Blog and sharing my experience at the 23rd Ugandan North American Convention, taking place in Denver from Friday September 1st to Sunday September 4th.

I will be presenting a paper on a career as a Digital Artist and Animator, taking place in ROOM 12, Sunday, September 4th, from 2:00 to 5:00pm


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